This past week was hectic and I apologize for being such a stranger. I never intended on my senior year to be so busy! Between midterms and papers and my Wentworth application and graphic design work and helping my PR professor with odd jobs and everything, I am so drained. On Wednesday I was literally on campus from 11:30 AM-10:30 PM because a group project went weary and I ended up staying with one other girl out of five to finish it up. I guess that's life.
My Wentworth application is due in TEN days. Then we find out before Thanksgiving Break if I get it or not. Fingers crossed!
I'm also considering a small on-campus job, because I am broke and my loan won't go in until January. The other option is a job over Christmas Break as a seasonal position which would be fine and probably work into my schedule better, considering I have to do an internship in the Spring. Speaking of which, event planning internships. Currently looking for an Event Planning/PR internship and that is exhausting as well.
Not to mention, I'm also running for PR Officer for the UNCW chapter of the English Honor's Society, Sigma Tau Delta. I know someone else is running for it (unlike last spring when many positions were unopposed, so if you were interested, you got the position) so it's obvious I may not win...but why not? Plus, it's PR, so it could only help my resume if I were to win (of course, that just adds even more to my plate, but oh well).
Regardless, I get a break right now, so I'm just going to enjoy it (until Tuesday night when I have a paper, a workshop piece, a reading, 150 pages in a book, a response to said book, and more reading due next week).