It's been a while. I've been busy. So here's a bit of catching up.
Talk Like a Pirate Day was...last weekend? So naturally, to Mary and I, that means we go to the party store, buy pirate gear, and dress up to get free donuts which ultimately end up costing the same if not more than what it would cost to buy a dozen donuts.
I'm working on my Wentworth proposal and I'm on the last part. After that, I just have to think it over before submitting it. I also asked one of my professor's to be my faculty sponsor for it, which he said maybe because he is taking leave next semester, so he had to talk to the department chair. I'll know for sure if he can or can't next week, that way I have time to ask another professor. But hopefully he can since he's my first choice anyway.
Got three grades back so far this semester and each of them have been A's, so that's looking good.
Supernatural = finished. All caught up. Season ten starts soon so I'll be right on track with everyone else and watching it week by week, so that's exciting.
So now that I'm caught up with that, what show should I watch next?

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