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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Titles are hard.

Yes, this is my little angel, Leia.
Seriously though, I have plenty of ideas to write about, but absolutely no titles for them. What makes a title so hard? Especially blogging--it's not like a professor is being forced to read my paper. I have to make people want to read it, and the easily way to do this is a title. Yet it's so difficult. Sigh.

This week is a little bit more calm for me this week than last, so that's nice at least. I had two papers due today (one was a rough draft), so it's nice that it's all over (at least for now). I actually accidentally finished the work that was due tomorrow on Sunday (thinking it was due on Monday), so at least I already have that done. Instead, now I can just curl up on the couch and watch Supernatural with my boyfriend and kitty.

My boyfriend and I are almost finished with season six of Supernatural. We stopped for a bit a while back but decided to pick it up again. We're hoping to catch up before season ten starts so we have just under a month until then to finish the next three seasons.

I bought a crock pot today. My old roommate used to have one and I LOVED it and I found one for $15 at Walmart so. It's so nice to just be able to put food in there and leave it be while I'm in class so that it's ready when I come back. I'm actually about to look up some recipes so I can put one in before I leave for class tomorrow, if I find one that I have all the ingredients for.

Do you guys have any good, go-to crock pot recipes?

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